
JamaicaNu is a Black owned, hand made skin care company. The idea of Owning a company has always been a dream one day; it was appealing to understanding what being an entrepreneur can do, like affording the luxury of changing and empowering the lives of those around me that really motivated JamaicaNu.
We began doing research and immediately became infatuated with the many natural options to achieve beautiful, healthy skin; repulsed at all the toxic, synthetic ingredients that the majority of large personal care companies use. The unnecessary chemicals they use have over time been linked to infertility, cancer, and a host of other illnesses! We decided that we could only make our products with natural ingredients like herbs, essential oils, superfoods and organically derived ingredients to help alleviate the dependency on chemical-filled products that our communities are exposed to.
Our mission is to create luxury products that are designed to improve the overall health, look, and feel of your skin. The use of my natural skincare products has definitely given us a whole new respect for nature. Natural ingredients are key when it comes to great skincare, so we hand craft products full of natures goodness.
Our IslanderZ skin has never looked better and we hope that JamaicaNu can help you too!